Indiana Bluegrass

2025 Events, clubs, shows

03/13 Old Crow Medicine Show; Old National Events Plaza,715 Locust St, Evansville, IN 47708 812.435.5770 $40-129

03/14 Mama Said String Band; Duke’s Indy, 2352 S West St, Indianapolis, IN 46225

Old Crow Medicine Show Info Page Header

03/13 Old Crow Medicine Show; Blue Gate PAC, 760 S Van Buren St, Shipshewana, IN 46565 7:30p $29.95 - 99.95 (plus tax & fees)

03/15 My Brother's Keeper; Opry Barn, 19189 Pennington Rd, Metamora, IN 47030

03/16 My Brother's Keeper; Whiskey City’s Liberty Theater, 229 Walnut St, Lawrenceburg IN 47025

03/21 Henhouse Prowlers, Moonshine Drive; Whiskey City’s Liberty Theater, 229 Walnut St, Lawrenceburg IN 47025

04/05 Backwoods Bluegrass; Mitchell Opera House, 217 North 7th St., PO Box 37, Mitchell, IN 47446 812-849-4447 7-9p

04/12  Boozehounds Bluegrass; ; Opry Barn, 19189 Pennington Rd, Metamora, IN 47030

04/12 Lick Creek Band; Mitchell Opera House, 217 North 7th St., PO Box 37, Mitchell, IN 47446 812-849-4447 7-9p

04/19 Mama Said String Band; The Coterie, 107 W Sycamore St., Kokomo IN 46901 9p

04/24 Rhonda Vincent; Blue Gate PAC, 760 S Van Buren St, Shipshewana, IN 46565 7:30p

04/26 Willow and Jesse; Mitchell Opera House, 217 North 7th St., PO Box 37, Mitchell, IN 47446 812-849-4447 7-9pDarin & Brooke Aldridge Info Page Header

05/03 Darin & Brooke Aldridge; Blue Gate PAC, 760 S Van Buren St, Shipshewana, IN 46565 7p

05/17 Roger Brown & Borrowed Tyme ; ; Opry Barn, 19189 Pennington Rd, Metamora, IN 47030

05/22-25 Tri-State Bluegrass Festival, Kendallville, IN 46755

06/21  Great Miami Bluegrass Band; ; Opry Barn, 19189 Pennington Rd, Metamora, IN 47030

07/19  The Shady Pine; ; Opry Barn, 19189 Pennington Rd, Metamora, IN 47030

08/18  Roger Banister Bluegrass Band; ; Opry Barn, 19189 Pennington Rd, Metamora, IN 47030

08/21 Alison Krauss & Union Station; Everwise Amphitheater at White River State Park, Indianapolis, IN
Pictures of Alison Krauss

09/20  Ma Crow & Company; ; Opry Barn, 19189 Pennington Rd, Metamora, IN 47030

10/18  Vern McIntyre & Appalachian Grass; ; Opry Barn, 19189 Pennington Rd, Metamora, IN 47030

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    Event dates(s) as 05/21-24

    Band name(s) Example: Band 1, Band 2, Band 3, etc

    Event name

    Event location name, street, city, state, zip: Example: NCCFC, 580 N. Fair St., Kendallville, IN 46755

    Event URL: Example:

    Event contact phone Example: 260-xxx-yyyy

    Event time(s) Example: all day, 6p, 7-10p

    Event cost: Example: wknd $25, senior $8

    More info

    Bluegrass Jams

    Fill out the form for free advertising about your jam! We need you to confirm your jams! nl [at] nibga [dot] com

    1stSun mostly Central Ind.BGA jams Hontz Hall, 307 E South H St, Gas City, IN 46933 765-674-5117 noon-?? (2025 - 2/2, 3/2, 4/13, 10/5, 11/2, 12/7)

    1st Thurs Wakarusa Bluegrass Jamboree, Doc Able Pavilion, 116 W. Waterford St, Wakarusa, IN  46573 6:30-9p Free, since 2000, 574-862-2200

    2nd & 4th Thurs  Whiteriver Folk & Bluegrass jam, Emery Lee Building, Beulah Park Jam, 400 E. 4th St., Alexandria, IN 46001 6-9p

    2nd Thurs Bluegrass Gospel Jam, 2nd Floor Old Bag Factory, 1100 Chicago Ave, Goshen, IN 46526  6:30-9p info: 574-202-5502 Starts Feb. 8, 2024

    3rd Fri Winamac Bluegrass Jam, Knights of Columbus,  340E50N,  Winamac, IN 46996  Tom 574-205-2274 7-10p

    3rd Sat Mar-Nov - Metamora Opry Barn, 19189 Pennington Rd, Metamora, IN 47030  6:30p  MetamoraMusic [at] gmail [dot] com  03/15 My Brother's Keeper, 04/12 Boozehounds Bluegrass, 05/17 Roger Brown & Borrowed Tyme, 06/21  Great Miami Bluegrass Band

    3rd Sun Northern Ind. Bluegrass jam & meeting, SW Conservation Club, 5703 Bluffton Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46809 noon-6p free all welcome, acoustic only instruments, food & beverages available. no summer jams, next jams (2025, 2/16, 3/16, 4/20)

    Last Fri. March-Oct, Metamora Opry Barn, 19189 Pennington Rd, Metamora, IN 47030  6:30p

    Every Sat. 6090 S. Oakwood St., N Judson, IN 46366 219-878-3123 5:30p CDST 5:30P except during Kendallville Festival

    Every Sun. Mouse Trap bar, 5565 N Keystone Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46220 317-255-3189 8p


    Send us your event!

      Your Name (required)

      Your Email (required)

      Event dates(s) as 05/21-24

      Band name(s) Example: Band 1, Band 2, Band 3, etc

      Event name

      Event location name, street, city, state, zip: Example: NCCFC, 580 N. Fair St., Kendallville, IN 46755

      Event URL: Example:

      Event contact phone Example: 260-xxx-yyyy

      Event time(s) Example: all day, 6p, 7-10p

      Event cost: Example: wknd $25, senior $8

      More info