Lodging suggestions for the festival
At the Kendallville motels, ask if they are giving a discount for Bluegrass.
NIBGA assumes no responsibility for hotel availability, rates or condition. These listings are for your convenience. It is always wise to make early advance reservations. Over Labor Day, the motels near Kendallville often up their rates by 50% because of the Auburn Cord Duesenberg festival in Auburn, IN.
Best Western
621 Professional Way
Kendallville, IN 46755-2930
260-347-5263 or 866-719-4608
Located just east of the Fairgrounds. More expensive over Labor Day due to Auburn Cord Duesenberg festival.
Gallops Motel is a luxury upscale motel, the motel takes inspiration from the European Medieval Era between the 5th-15th century. It is located at 1201 W North St. Kendallville, IN 46755.
The motel also caters for a party store, convenience store, and an in-dining restaurant at the premises. It is often sold out so book early!
The Bluegrass festival is located 2.3 miles east of the motel on US6.
Bed & Breakfast
Kimmell House Inn
1397 N US Highway 33
Kimmell, IN 46760-9783
(260) 635-2193 or (888) 892-2194
Bed & Breakfast
Kimmell House Inn
1397 N US Highway 33
Kimmell, IN 46760-9783
(260) 635-2193 or (888) 892-2194
Mirror Lake Bed & Breakfast
11463 N 150 W
Rome City, IN 46784
Economy Inn
1431 W North Street
Kendallville, IN 46755-2845
Located 3 mile or so west of the fairgrounds off of Indiana 6
Lower priced, generally our last choice
North Fort Wayne, IN 46825 lodging
The festival in Kendallville, IN is located north on I69 then west on US 6 or north on Indiana 3 to Kendallville then east one mile at the fairgrounds. This is about a 35 minutes drive.
Map of festival location
Hotel planner for 46825, North Fort Wayne